McDaniel Furniture Services is a full service furniture facility. We deliver, refinish, upholster and store all types of furniture. We specialize in giving you peace of mind with all of your moving and storage needs. McDaniel Furniture Services is the sensible choice. Give us call when you're ready.
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H: 40" W: 60" D: 0"   Wgt: 0 lbs.
Slightly Used:  $25.00
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H: 0" W: 0" D: 0"   Wgt: 0 lbs.
Used:  $125.00
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H: 0" W: 0" D: 0"   Wgt: 0 lbs.
Used:  $50.00
Click to view details...
H: 60" W: 85" D: 0"   Wgt: 0 lbs.
Used:  $85.00
Click to view details...
H: 0" W: 28" D: 28"   Wgt: 0 lbs.
Used:  $199.00
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H: 0" W: 49" D: 31"   Wgt: 0 lbs.
Used:  $350.00
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Office Furniture > Conference Tables
H: 30" W: 42" D: 42"   Wgt: 0 lbs.
Used:  $150.00
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H: 0" W: 0" D: 0"   Wgt: 0 lbs.
Slightly Used:  $399.00
Click to view details...
H: 0" W: 96" D: 33"   Wgt: 0 lbs.
Slightly Used:  $599.00
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H: 0" W: 48" D: 16"   Wgt: 0 lbs.
Used:  $275.00
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Desks > Writing
H: 30" W: 60" D: 24"   Wgt: 0 lbs.
Used:  $275.00
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China Cabinets > Hutch
H: 38" W: 60" D: 14"   Wgt: 0 lbs.
Used:  $25.00
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